
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Winning my first international athletic competition

At lunch yesterday, my host mom invited me to go walking with her and her friends this morning. Exercise?! Of course I said yes!

Once again, the morning came too early. After we picked up a couple of her friends and met the third woman at the location, I noticed it wasn't just walking. It was an actual competion, and it was up one of the steepest hills I have ever seen! There were a few other runners and a lot of bikers. I can't imagine riding up the steep grade on a bike.

As I'm running up, I could feel the burn throughout my body and the humidity in my lungs. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, but luckily there was some shade provided by the flora. The competition was timed like the Tour de France, and I was the last one to begin. I caught up to one of the other woman, and we finished together.

On our way up, I couldn't wait to blog about this event. If I knew more French, I know Bridgette would have been able to give me more information on what I was agreeing to! But, that's part of an exciting study abroad experience!! :D

We finished the uphill 2.5 km and casually walked down together as the five-member group we were. We ended at a gazebo near the starting line where everyone was looking at the results. Come to find out, I was first! I was so shocked!! I hadn't even tried to win. I just wanted to reach the end where water was available for the particpants! I received a "medal" made from a shell, which has the competition's logo engraved on it, and t-shirt.

There's a triatholon in a couple weeks that I'd like to do. Bridgette and two of her friends are splitting the events, so hopefully I can find two others to join me!

Afterwards we came home, showered, and took the rest of the family to meet Roxanne (host sister) and Pascal (host dad) for lunch. Finally, we have some time at home before attending mass at 6 p.m. This has been the busiest weekend in Tahiti yet!!

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