
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Not there yet

I left Sunday morning so that I could make it to L.A. without having to worry or push the hassles associated with flying stand by. I was supposed to be able to take a flight to Papeete, Tahiti on the fifth, but unfortunately flights have been booked solid through Thursday. The past few days I've been spending time with my uncle who lives in the area and my cousins.

Today Sarah and I went to Disneyland. To be a kid again! She's in fifth-grade and a pretty cool kid :) She knew her way around the park, so I just sat back and took it all in; you appreciate the atmosphere once you realize you're no longer a kid and life is not a fantasy.

But as much fun as I had today, I still wish I was beginning my study abroad experience. I just saw pictures of my classmates that landed there, and I can't explain how jealous I am.

Tomorrow I'll try my hand at attempting to get on a flight, and if that does not work out, there are a few options for Friday. Wish me luck!!

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