
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm in love

I'm throwing down a cliche...I'm having the time of my life in D.C. Not only have I learned what I wrote about in my column (posted soon), but also that I am still able to find my home on the Metro after an afternoon of Sangria, which I will never partake in that specific happy hour act ever again. But if I can do it, anyone else can as well. (Photo- Pizza in Adams early morning heart attack waiting to happen)

I've been a few restaurants in the area and am taking advantage of the ethnic food- a rarity in Iowa. There is a great, swanky "Asian fusion" restaurant in Chinatown, which I suggest to sushi lovers.

Mount Vernon- The local bartender took a couple of my housemates and I to Washington's home. You have to appreciate the hospitality Iowans offer to one another....His little girl was with us too. I've offered to babysit of course! (Photo- posing with GW)

Tip to anyone wanting to live in D.C- You make plans to visit different museums and explore the city, but then you catch up on prior night's sleep and wake up just to enjoy the night over again. The day is wasted. It's a viscious cycle.